Hello everybody!
Today's post is a little bit different than usually. I'm going to talk about one really great site where you can buy pretty nice dresses for small prices. Whether you're looking for wedding dresses or prom dresses, bridesmaid dresses or evening dresses, you can all find it here, and even shoes.
I'm talking about site which you can find HERE.
You can also visit it and see wedding dresses by clicking HERE.
Now I'm going to show you a few dresses that I really liked.

I really liked this wedding dress because it shows your back and because it has lace. So pretty, love it! I also like the thing that it's not too open at the front. You can find it HERE.
Second are bridesmaid dresses. I picked these ones because as I said on last photo-it has open back, and if you haven't noticed it yet, I'm obsessed with it. I also like that they're having so many glitter. You can find it HERE.
Next thing which I really like is that they have mother dresses. This dress I would wear but I think it's pretty nice for my mum. You can find it HERE.
Next kind of dress is this girl dress. Like oh my God, how cute is this? You can find it HERE.
Next things are these heels. It's great that you can find dresses and heels at the same place, isn't it? You can find them HERE.
Okay, if you're looking for prom dresses, this is perfect place for it. I couldn't chose just one, but I had to, so I put a photo of this one. Amaizing! You can find it HERE.
And last but not least, are evening dresses. I'm pretty sure you can wear them on prom too haha...Anyway I liked this a lot, guess why? The back.
I also have to say that all these dresses you can find in almost every colour, so don't worry.
This dress you can find HERE.
Odličan sajt!
Lovely choices, I know this brand and this site, I will make a post soon about it too.
OdgovoriIzbrišiWish you an great evening,
Flo from
Jako lep sajt, a haljine su mnogo dobre.
OdgovoriIzbrišilaAdda Update - School is over! | laAdda
Saradjivale smo sa ovim sajtom i tom prilikom smo ga 'precesljale' uzduz i popreko! Divna je ama bas svaka haljina, i definitivno mozemo da kazemo da si izabrala najbolje za ovaj post :)
OdgovoriIzbrišiGet Sparkly - Jewelry Blog
I love the details. Very beautiful.
OdgovoriIzbrišiI love all the dresses!!! So beautiful.
Thanks for your comment. I follow you via GFC. Now it's your turn!
OdgovoriIzbrišiXX Cella❤️ | Hier geht's zu meinem Blog
Love your dresses and love the photos, so beautiful! I'm following your blog :)
I followed you, can you follow me back?
Nice dresses!
OdgovoriIzbrišiThank you for your comment. Follow you blog by GFC <3
MY BLOG - Kicky Jane | Google+ | IG @kickyjane
Very nice selección! Thanks for sharing! 👌👌👌
OdgovoriIzbrišipretty nice and lovely items here...
instagram.com/grace_njio @grace_njio
Such lovely dresses. Great choice.
OdgovoriIzbrišiCula sam za sajt vec. Haljine su im stvarno savrsene, no stikle nisam gledala. Vjencanica koju si pokazala je bas ono sto ja smatram savrsenom vjencanicom, cipka i ovaj princess oblik *_*
OdgovoriIzbrišiS druge strane, ne volim previse sljokica na haljini, ali barem imaju raznolik izbor pa si svatko moze naci nesto prikladno :)
I love this post! I write for them just recently and I must say I fall in love with almost everything in their website! Do you want to support each other’s blog by following each other?:) Please let me know if you do so I can follow you right back x
Great post! I follow your blog and I hope you will follow me back :)
I love the first dress! =)
OdgovoriIzbrišiI'm following you, I hope you can follow me back! :)
The dresses are gorgeous!
All dresses are so beautiful ♥
Amazing dresses:)
OdgovoriIzbrišiHave a nice day!
Beautiful dresses .... i love these heels
OdgovoriIzbrišiP.S. would you like to follow each others GFC, Google+ and Bloglovin?
Have a nice day
Glamorous without the Guilt
A wonderful post! He astonished me! You write posts in a very nice way! The pictures you put in the post are beautiful! You have a perfect ideas for posts!♥
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Do you want to follow for follow? If you please, please let me know in my blog, in a comment! Thanks! ♥
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Wow wonderful post, love it! ♥
OdgovoriIzbrišiMaybe follow for follow? :)
Haljine su prelepe. Posebno mi se sviđa ova plava,ali zaista su sve mnogo mnogo slatke!♥
OdgovoriIzbrišiNova sam na blogu,pa ako imaš vremena volela bih da pogledaš moj blog i moj novi post! Hvala.♥ Link - https://laurevoir.blogspot.rs/2017/07/prica-zvana-zivot.html ♥
Odličan post, sviđa mi se ovaj sajt <3
OdgovoriIzbrišiSve haljine su predivne :)
Prelepe haljine, odlican sajt :))) <3