Hello everyone and welcome to my new post after a long time.
Today I’m going to show you my 4 femme luxe outfits that I
have worn in last few months. You’ll see there is an outfit for every season
and weather in this post so let’s get started right now.
First of them is this white dress which is great for
fall/spring season. I think it goes great with these high knee boots and I
really like how this photo turned out. You can find it by clicking HERE
Also I’m wearing it now when I go to the beach, I know it
sounds weird but it actually looks really good on bikini.
Next thing is only for winter and that thing is this
jumpsuit. It is soooo warm and cosy I can not tell you how much I love it. I
wear it so much during winter. It is also oversized which I really like. You
can find it by clicking HERE
Now the thing I wore for my birthday. This dress looks
gorgeous and so glamorous, I really like it. I also like the part around the
neck, I usually don’t buy that shape but now it looked interesting to me. You
can find it by clicking HERE and also, I like that it shows the shape of
your body perfectly.
And last one, maybe even favourite thing in this post is
this royal blue dress. I love this colour so much so I decided to order dress
in exactly this colour. It fits perfectly and it is so elegant, perfect for
occasions where you need to look glamorous. You can find it by clicking HERE
really nice!!!
OdgovoriIzbrišiGreat styles :-D
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I love your outfits :)
Na tomto blogu máte skvělý článek a já chci poděkovat panu Pedrovi, úvěrovému úředníkovi, který mi poskytl půjčku ve výši 600 000. Pounds poté, co jsem mu vysvětlil celý můj projekt prostřednictvím jeho soukromého e-mailu na pedroloanss@gmail.com, pak jsme mluvili o sazbě a podmínkách prostřednictvím e-mailu, protože já žiji v Aucklandu a on žije ve Spojeném království, takže po celém procesu mi bylo vyhověno půjčka s flexibilním splácením půjčky.
OdgovoriIzbrišiPrávě teď jsem tak vděčný a doporučím každému, kdo má obchodní projekt nebo potřebuje finanční službu, aby kontaktoval pana Pedra na jeho soukromý e-mail.
Ještě jednou děkuji.